I have the follwing file consising of two concatendated JSON strings:
"hello": 2,
"world": 3
"something": 5,
"else": 6
Both of them are correct individually (they are more complex than that, but are always two JSON dicts one after each other).
Since I can predict the format of the first one (close to my example above), I will parse the file with a regex expression and end up separating them (I just need the second JSON):
While this solution works, I wanted to make sure that there is not a more generic way to address this problem.
You can simply format your string by converting it to a valid python object like a list of dictionary then load it with json module:
In [60]: s = """{
"hello": 2,
"world": 3
"something": 5,
"else": 6
In [61]: json.loads("[{}]".format(s.replace('}{', '},{')))
Out[61]: [{'hello': 2, 'world': 3}, {'something': 5, 'else': 6}]
Answered By - Mazdak
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